Secret of the Orphanage
Deer Stranger Interstellar Countdown
Derek W
An image of me dabbing on the hiking trail 
									around Walden Pond. I know dabbing is cringe now, 
									but this is post-ironic, ok?

Hello World

Item #: SCP-016

Object Class: Archon

Special Containment Procedures: I'm currently living on campus in Keeler. You don't get to know which room I'm in though.

Description: I came from Washington (the cool Washington), and now I'm here in Minnesota. As a life-long How I Met Your Mother fan, I've always had a great desire to visit this Land of a Thousand Lakes. I still haven't visited the Mall of America yet, but it's high on my priorities list.

I'm currently pursuing an Computer Science and English double major, since I can't make up my mind about anything. I've also started trying out fencing and archery in the clubs here at the UMN. Hopefully I keep that up, I'm having fun so far. I'm more of a foil fencer than anything else right now, but I do like the other fencing disciplines. I've been needing to practice them more.

I have a twin brother (designated SCP-016-1) and a younger sister (designated SCP-016-2). SCP-016-1 is currently at CMU, studying music composition. SCP-016-2 is currently an undergrad at Brandeis.